The Potatoes

Saturday, August 18, 2001

John 8:36 – So if the Son sets you free, you will indeed be free. (NLT)

Some years ago I was cleaning out a drawer of pots and pans. I got everything organized and straightened out, and the drawer had room to hold more without spilling over. I thought to myself, "Now I can even put the bag of potatoes in here, instead of leaving them in the garage."

Just as that very thought crossed my mind, in walked my son Justin, holding a bag of potatoes and saying, "Here are the potatoes you were looking for, mom."

I nearly fell over, and laughed at God's sense of humour. Here I was thinking about putting the bag of potatoes in the drawer, and in walks Justin holding the bag of potatoes, without my even saying a word!

God wants us to know that He indeed wants us to be free of all our burdens and worries and concern. He also intends to answer our prayers, sometimes ones we don't even know were heard. When He sets us free in His Son Jesus, we are free indeed. Just like the cleaned-out drawer, there is room to hold more, and He brings us more, without our even asking.

So, let's clean out our drawers today — getting rid of all that clutter, reorganizing our thoughts, turning them towards Jesus. He will set us free so that we have room to receive more gifts and talents and use them for the kingdom of heaven. And the gift won't just be a bag of potatoes!

God wants to give us good things. Let us be obedient, and watch what happens! We may get a real surprise!

Prayer: God, bless us with great surprises. In Jesus' precious and holy name we pray. Amen.

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About the author:

Tracy Sunshine
Sylmar, California, USA

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