A Tangled Web

Monday, July 30, 2001

Isaiah 41:13 – I am holding you by your right hand — I, the Lord your God — and I say to you, "Don't be afraid; I am here to help you." (The Living Bible)

Upon getting into our van for a recent trip to the city, I noticed a spider web. It was an orb web, but the spider that had spun it couldn't have been very large. It was attached to the van in the small area between the side mirror and the passenger window. The spider was not to be seen — either hiding in some small crevice, or deciding to find a more lucrative area for bugs.

After travelling for 50 kilometres at 100 km/h, I was surprised, when we stopped, to see that the web was still attached to the van. It was no longer a beautiful spoked wheel, but a tangled mess. Yet it was still there.

I don't know what spider webs are made of, but it must be strong stuff. God is strong stuff too. He can hold our hand in the worst conditions. Once we take His hand, He will never let go. We may have bumps and bruises to show for our journey, but we will make it, with His strength — if only we let God hold our hand.

Prayer: Loving Father, You are stronger than we can imagine. When the world around us is falling apart, help us to reach out and grasp Your hand. Help us to feel Your strength, and know that You will never let us go. Amen.

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About the author:

Heather Morton <morton@kent.net>
West Lorne, Ontario, Canada

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