Paying The Mortgage Off

Friday, July 27, 2001

Luke 7:48 – Then Jesus said to her, "Your sins are forgiven."

One of the scariest things I have ever done is to buy a house. The reason I say it was scary is on account of the cost that was incurred. When I signed the loan, I felt a very heavy burden placed upon my shoulders. It was a loan in an amount that will take some time to pay off. One hopes nothing will happen, but one never knows what may come down the road. So as long as this loan is hanging over my head, I do worry some about it.

The debt of sin will crush us. Unlike my mortgage, which I hope to pay off, there is nothing I can do to pay off my debt of sin. It is only through the work of God's grace that I can be relieved of this debt. When the words, "You are forgiven", come, a debt, which we could never repay, is lifted from us. With this debt lifted, there is a sense of peace and comfort, which can only come from the love of God.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, we give thanks and praise to you for loving us so much that you gave your only Son to pay our debt of sin. With our debt forgiven may we live lives worthy of your glory. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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About the author:

Michael Steckel
Fairbanks, Alaska, USA

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