Carry A Magnifying Glass!

Sunday, July 1, 2001

I was handed a new Canadian ten-dollar bill by a customer at work, who asked me if I knew that the poem, "In Flanders Fields," was printed on it. I looked, squinted, and looked again. No way could I read it! I'd have to use a magnifying glass to see it.

To magnify means to enlarge, to make larger. Using a magnifier, fine print appears large enough to be read easily.

Mary's love for God flowed from her heart in praise and worship. "My soul doth magnify the Lord." (Luke 1:46 KJV)

Can we say as Mary did? Do we magnify Him in our daily living, in prayer, in service?

We should take every opportunity to speak out. Everyone is significant. In many different ways we can magnify His name.

Let us look for opportunities to tell others what God can do. There's no telling who will hear our message.

Let us not allow pride to refuse to accept God's gift, or to take credit for what God has done. Let us accept the gifts and use them to His glory.

Psalm 34:3 – O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His name together. (KJV)

Prayer: We pray, O Lord, that others won't need a magnifying glass to see You in us. Encourage us to be witnesses for You, no matter where we are. Amen.

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About the author:

Maureen Killick
Acton, Ontario, Canada

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