1 Thessalonians 5:19 – Do not put out the Spirit's fire. (NIV)
Once the children left the sanctuary we approached the time of a solo called "Gentle Spirit", sung by a young woman of Irish descent with a very soft, gentle voice, accompanied on the piano by our choir director and organist.
What an approach to the proclamation of the word, entitled "Focusing On God"! The preaching of the word was delivered by a young student of the ministry whom we have had the privilege of having in our church for three years.
From the pulpit he spoke with boldness and with words out of the scripture. We as a congregation could feel the Spirit move through the church. I felt we were "on fire".
As we stood for the doxology, I became focused upon a woman in the first row. Peering out of the choir loft I could see a little lady I know, the tears welling up within her. I called this lady when I got home and she said, "I didn't know who to talk to, I felt so close to God!"
It is a shame that once we leave the sanctuary the talk turns into everyday things, when it should be a time to talk about the Lord and how we were moved — a special time to share some good God-talk. Pardon the way of saying it, but in "talking" to others through feedback on the Daily, we chat about how the Holy Spirit moves in our lives, and we talk with no apologies and with a freedom we should all have.
My day at church left me filled, and I am pleased God has led me to so many in our church who do share the "gentle Spirit" of God.
Is your church on fire?
Joel 2:28 – And afterwards, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. (NIV)
Prayer: Lord, let Your Spirit find freedom in the hearts of Christians around the world. We pray that we will be enabled to break loose and let the Spirit move among Your people in all Your churches. In Jesus' name. Amen.
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