One Man's Junk

Thursday, June 14, 2001

2 Chronicles 6:28-30 – When there is famine in the land or an epidemic or the crops are destroyed by scorching winds or swarms of locusts, or when your people are attacked by their enemies, or when there is disease or sickness among them, listen to their prayers. If any of your people Israel, out of heartfelt sorrow, stretch out their hands in prayer towards this Temple, hear their prayer. Listen to them in your home in heaven and forgive them. You alone know the thoughts of the human heart. (GNB)

The town where I grew up and where my parents still live holds an annual town-wide yard sale. Every year, in the small town with a population of 1000, there are 50 to 60 individual or family sales. Our whole family works together to have a large sale.

Mom and I bake for days, and have a huge bake sale. My dad sells barbecued hot dogs, and my sister and the rest of us have several tables of "junk".

Every year, after the sale, it is always a dilemma as to what should be done with the leftover stuff. Do we pack it all up and save it for next year? Do we send it all to our local charity, or do we sort through it and send some things and keep others? This year, we sent away everything that had been left from other years, keeping only that which was new to our sale this year.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if someone would come along and buy the whole lot? There would be no packing up after a long day at the sale. There would be nothing to hold over for another year. It would all be tidied up, and we would have the money in our pockets.

In our lives, there is Someone who takes it all. Everything we put out — every worry, every fear, and every concern — is removed.

If we put our junk out, God will take it all, and we are richer for it.

Prayer: Loving God, we bring many things in our lives to You in prayer. We bring our desires, our fears, our needs and our hopes. Hear us, and ease our troubled hearts. Replace our concerns, and give us Your peace. Amen.

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About the author:

Heather Morton <>
West Lorne, Ontario, Canada

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