Matthew 7:1-2 – Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way as you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. (NIV)
On my knees cleaning the bathtub, I was not aware of what was happening behind me, until it was too late! First came the growl-like "Woof", then the thud, then the scream. Leaping up, I turned to discover our cocker spaniel on top of our two-year-old son, who was howling at the top of his lungs. Such a sight struck terror in my heart, as I believed Candy had attacked Chris. Grabbing her roughly by the back of the neck I flung her away from him, yelling at her as I did so. Gathering Chris into my arms to soothe and examine him I was relieved to discover no injuries, but I did discover something else! The tub cleanser had been knocked over and now lay spilled across the edge of the vanity top and the floor below.
With sudden insight I realized how wrongly I had misjudged the situation. Chris, active and curious as he was had been on tiptoe reaching for the cleanser. Candy, his constant friend and companion, sensing danger, had sought to protect him by pushing him away with her front feet, causing him to fall, but also to be safe as the spilling cleanser hit the floor and not his eyes.
How often are we quick to judge others without knowing the real facts? How often do our eyes see a situation but not the truth? May others be as quick to forgive us when we misjudge them as Candy was to forgive me when my eyes were opened to the truth.
Prayer: Wonderful God and loving Father, grant that we might be gracious and kind as Your people, quick to think the best of others, as we would have them think the best of us. Grant us also wisdom to be discerning amid each and every situation this day, that we might see with Your eyes of truth, being quick to forgive and slow to judge. In Jesus' name. Amen.
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