John 14:26 – But the Counsellor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. (NIV)
I can count on my dog, Buddy! He will get me home, come sleet or snow, rain or hail, heat or darkness. Buddy is reliable and will keep me on the right path that leads me home. I, however, must be willing to allow Buddy to lead — willing to give him his "head" and follow. Sometimes this is more difficult to do than at other times. I find it especially hard when the way is dark and rough. I become afraid of getting lost, stumbling or falling. Experience has taught me, however, that Buddy is faithful to guide me carefully and gently to my destination.
Likewise, within my Christian life, I have learned to count upon the Holy Spirit to keep me on God's pathway of rightness or holy living — a pathway that takes me through all kinds of emotional, physical and mental weather and seasons.
God's Spirit indwells all those who trust His Son, Jesus, as "head" of their lives. God's Spirit is faithful to guide each one carefully and gently all the way Home — where Jesus has promised that a place has been prepared for those who love and obey Him!
Thought for the day: Who is "head" of our spiritual walk this day?
Prayer: Lord God and wonderful Father, thank You for Your faithful Holy Spirit who guides, teaches and leads each one who gives Him his "head". Grant that we might humbly follow His leading this day, that we might walk in right paths, living holy lives which exalt Jesus Christ, Who when lifted up, is able to draw all men unto Himself. In Christ's wonderful name we pray. Amen.
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