In yesterday's devotional, I wrote about going to England last spring to see my dad, ill with an inoperable brain tumour. I came back to Canada but returned to England in July as he became much worse. His sight went completely in one eye, and almost in the other. His hearing wasn't good. He was hallucinating and couldn't stand and support himself anymore. He had trouble concentrating, difficulty eating and had other problems.
I went straight from the airport to be by dad's bedside. As I walked into the room, dad smiled, said my name and held his hands out for a hug. He recognized me!
A short while before, dad had recognized he needed God and had asked Him into his heart. Dad told me on the telephone one day, "Now I know what you've been saying all these years. I feel wonderful!" I was ecstatic!
Dad lived until his 72nd birthday on August 14th, but never woke up the next day. I had many emotions running through me, and all at the same time, it seemed. I was relieved because dad was no longer in pain. I was sad because I wouldn't be seeing him again — here on earth, that is — but rejoiced because he'd gone home to be with his Father. I knew I'd see him one day when I'm promoted to glory. I was feeling mom's pain of loneliness too; she didn't have her husband of 50 years around for company anymore. I also missed my husband and daughters and felt torn between staying in England and travelling back to Canada.
I wasn't there for dad's funeral, but wrote something that the pastor read. The service was recorded on a CD of which I have a copy. One hymn sung was "Amazing Grace". I am so happy to say that my dad was once lost, but, like John Newton, was saved through grace.
I thank God for helping me be a witness and pray I will continue to be in the future.
Psalm 19:14 – May the words of my mouth and the thoughts of my heart be pleasing to You, O Lord, my rock and my Redeemer. (NLT)
Let us make sure we always try to be good examples, wherever we go, and to whomever we meet, for we never know if we'll have a tomorrow.
Prayer: May we strive, Lord — not in our strength alone, but by Your spirit working in us — to tell others about Your love. May we relate that with You we have everything. You are all-sufficient. Amen.
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