A Free Telephone Bill

Tuesday, May 15, 2001

This time last year, I returned to England, as my dad was ill. It appeared that he had had a stroke. I made the decision to get the next flight available, to be by his side. The first assumption proved wrong; in fact he had an inoperable brain tumour.

While there, I'd leave the hospital periodically to get some fresh air and visit (amid the renowned tea-drinking British) the one and only place I found which sold a decent cup of coffee. (Since I work in a coffee shop, I was glad to retain my preference!)

Daily, I would use a telephone booth to call my husband and the pastors of my church to keep them updated on my dad's condition.

It was very warm during my stay, and so to stand in a booth was very clammy indeed. However, in order for the person I was communicating with to hear me, and not the public passing by, I had to close the door. I deposited the money required, heard the dial tone, dialled the number and the connection was completed.

I thought of the similarity of talking to our heavenly Father. We need to go to a quiet place, and shut the door to the things of the world, so that we can hear Him speak.

Before we can dial the number, the price must be paid. We must accept Jesus as our personal Saviour before we can "dial" heaven with confidence. God, through His Son, paid the price that we might have access to His presence.

There is then an open line to heaven for us. God is on the line, ready to hear and answer us. Prayer is a conversation between the soul and heaven. It is like a two-way telephone conversation.

Matthew 6:6 – But when you pray, go away by yourself, shut the door behind you, and pray to your Father secretly. Then your Father, who knows all secrets, will reward you. (NLT)

To speak to God daily is very important. Let us all take the time to do just that. His line is never busy!

Prayer: Dear Lord, help us to find that quiet place, to shut out everything going on around us and to communicate with You, often. We thank You for always listening. May we, too, take time out to be patient and listen for your reply. Teach us all patience, knowing that you answer in Your time, not ours. Amen.

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About the author:

Maureen Killick
Acton, Ontario, Canada

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