God's Faithful Plan

Wednesday, March 14, 2001

Psalm 37:4 – Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart's desire. (NLV)

When thoughts of something just won't go away, and when they are of good things, we can be pretty sure they are God's desire for us. If we've prayed about it and are still not sure of the answer, we may not be able to recognize we already have it! Sometimes the positive answer we receive may seem too easy, or we could expect the answer to be "No."

For several years, I had a desire in my heart. It's one of those things that just wouldn't go away: I wanted to complete my education. My schooling was initially interrupted through marriage and having children, but still the feeling came back often that I needed to finish what I had started. I went through several changes and moves. After settling down each time, the desire came back again. It was such a quiet urging that I often overlooked it. I reasoned the idea away and busied myself with other things.

There was also another desire I had. It would interrupt my thoughts while in prayer and it attracted my attention in the mall as I shopped. It also appeared to be a good thing. I finally learned that it was a temptation and not from God. When the day came that I boxed up all my sewing materials and took them to the ladies at the church who were making quilts for the underprivileged, I had my answer. With the fabrics out of sight, they were also out of my mind and I could think more clearly.

Books were then placed in my hands for a course that I could take by correspondence and by which I would be able to finish my college work with a Christian university. When all was complete and the paperwork was finished, I felt the peace that comes from walking in the steps of the Lord.

I was happy to realize my life was a part of a way the Lord had designed for me all along. Just as He had a plan for my salvation, He also had an ongoing process for my life on earth. He began bringing wholeness to me years ago and He has continued to help me be faithful. He had shown me that I could have the desire of my heart — if I would let Him work it in me!

Ephesians 2:10 – For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them. (KJV)

Prayer: Thank you, Father, for not giving up on us, but for encouraging us by your Spirit to go on through the trials and processes of life. Help us to see that your answers to life's questions are there all the time. Help us also to be true to You and to our calling of faith to serve you. Amen.

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About the author:

Margaret Underwood
Titusville, Florida, USA

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