Micah 6:8 – He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. (NIV)
There is what I would call a thin but firm line between the confidence we show, and pride. When someone offers a complement, saying how well we did some thing, how do we react or feel inside?
When I complete a devotional, I send it away to be edited. If I receive a note that my devotional has been approved for publication, how do I feel? The first time, I was so excited I couldn't sleep that night, waiting to see it on the webpage. Then I waited — not too patiently — for the first response to come through.
Time has passed. The novelty has worn off, but not the desire to seek the Lord that I might relate some aspect of my personal life or some experience that might be used in a spiritual way to reach out and touch someone. I have said before that I don't write these devotionals for me, but for those who read.
The editor gives us a schedule, indicating the date of planned publication of devotionals which have been approved. The night before a devotional is to be published, I read it over and pray about it. In the morning, once more, I read it over and come to the Lord in prayer, asking that I might be given the words for the responses. This is when I am most conscious of the thin line. I pray that I will remember that it was God who inspired me to write. I ask God to point out any pride I may have displayed.
I believe that with God's help, we can live and act with confidence, but we must keep focused through prayer on God, acknowledging that He is the source for the ability we have.
Prayer: Dear Lord, help us to be humble in your sight, but enable us to walk with confidence in the grace that You have given us. May we remain focused on You through prayer. We ask this in Jesus' name. Amen.
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