Let Go And Let God

Wednesday, February 7, 2001

Hebrews 12:1 – Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. (NIV)

About seven months ago, a dear friend of ours lost his battle with cancer. During his illness, he and his wife lost their house and all of their life savings, because he could not work and she was not working at that time. They were left to survive on social assistance, which was very difficult for both of them, as they were used to a certain lifestyle.

His widow, also a dear friend, had an inner desire to work on a cruise ship following her husband's death, in order to provide a new life for herself. She thought about doing a number of different jobs that she could do to help her financial stability, but the cruise line career was always foremost in her mind. Over several weeks she volleyed back and forth, trying to decide what to do with her life. During this time, she set the wheels in motion for her cruise line career by applying to an agency that would assist her in finding a job. She confided to us that she often wondered what God's plan was for her, and that she was growing impatient for any signs that her quest for the cruise line career was getting closer. One day my husband told her a prayer that was given to us by another dear friend: "Lord, show me that which is your will. Lead me down that path, and sustain me while I am on that path."

She used that prayer whenever she felt discouraged, and, as soon as she let go and let God lead, her dreams came true. She starts work on the cruise next month.

When we have the faith and the strength to let go and let God do that which is his will for our life plan, we will be forever happy and forever free of the burdens that hold us back in life.

Prayer: Lord, in our haste to follow that which is our plan, we often forget to let go and let God. Help us to remember that Your plan will be done in Your time. Help us to give ourselves completely to You, by throwing off everything that hinders us in our quest to become one with You. Amen.

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About the author:

Pamela Thompson
Nepean, Ontario, Canada

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