Mark 1:1-3 – The beginning of the good news of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. As it is written in the prophet Isaiah, "See, I am sending my messenger ahead of you, who will prepare your way; the voice of one crying out in the wilderness: 'Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight.'" (NRSV)
The Advent season is here once more. In reflecting on today's scripture reading, I am reminded all over again that we are to prepare ourselves during these four weeks before Christ's birthday. To do so, we come from many different wildernesses of our own: from fear and uncertainty, from a less-than-perfect faith, from circumstances beyond our control, from our usual rounds of activity which may block our growth, from locations of perceived safety to which we cling. From all these places and many more, we are called to step forth into the unknown, to prepare ourselves to receive Jesus Christ once more into our hearts and lives.
For me, Advent, this coming again of Christ with renewed vigour and love into my life, becomes more and more important with each passing year. How wonderful that God gave human beings this very special gift of time and waiting so that we might find our way back to God. During our vigil, we can only watch, listen, wait and pray out of our gratitude at the grandeur and infinite graciousness of our God. Let us use this gift of time wisely and fruitfully. Let's be ready!
The following Advent poem gives my deepest thoughts:
- A yearly journey
dawns on us once more this day
calling us to come.
Advent summons us,
hoping we will remember
who and whose we are.
A time of praying,
watching, waiting for something
greater than we know.
It's more than being,
of patiently stopping here
knowing more's to come.
The bringer of hope
to a hungry, needy world
breaks forth in due time.
Out of the darkness,
alive, now bearing the light,
springs the promised one.
Stay awake, alert …
Our charge is to be ready
to receive God's Son.
So to Bethlehem
from our wilderness, we move
on our soul's journey.
You are found here, God,
in this our transforming time …
claiming us with love.
Prayer: Holy One of our Advent yearning and waiting, we open our hearts, our minds, our spirits and our souls to you. We pray that you enter in and take possession of us in all our being, so that we will be renewed and transformed during these four weeks of expectancy, of anxiousness, of hoping and of joy. During this time, may we move out of the wilderness of our lives and grow more and more into you. Through Jesus Christ, our Saviour. Amen.
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