Deuteronomy 8:11 – Take heed lest you forget the Lord your God, by not keeping his commandments and his ordinances and his statutes, which I command you this day. (RSV)
Every Sunday, I prepare our church offering envelope to put on the collection plate at the local Presbyterian Church where we worship. It gives me a good feeling to know that I am contributing to keeping our church alive, as well as knowing that a portion of what I give goes to help others less fortunate. After preparing it, I then place the envelope into my shirt pocket inside my jacket. I have been following this routine for years.
This past Sunday when our minister announced that the offering would be received, I reached into my pocket to prepare to place my envelope on the offering plate. What a shock! No envelope! I frantically checked all my pockets but to no avail. Had I lost it, mislaid it or forgotten it? But I never forget my collection!
Arriving home I rushed to my desk. There it was — right where I had left it. I had forgotten it!
Then I got thinking: Is it possible that we as Christians, forget other things pertaining to our faith? Do we sometimes put off or neglect our daily Bible readings? What about the prayers for those who are ill, depressed or neglected? Could we forget the phone call, the personal visit, or the letter we were going to write to a shut-in friend? Forgetting my collection made me ask, "Are there other things I am forgetting as well?" Let us all check to see what we are forgetting and see if we can do better.
Prayer: Our Father in heaven, we thank you for your understanding and for your patience, even when we are forgetful of our commitment to you. Amen.
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