A Perfect Lie

Friday, October 27, 2000

Proverbs 3:5-6 – Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths. (NIV, margin)

I was playing golf and hit a really terrible shot off the tee. It appeared to roll off into some bushes below the tee, and the threesome I was with immediately set off to help me locate it. The morning sun was shining right into our faces and made it difficult to see. Not wanting to hold up the play, I decided to hit another ball in its place, and we carried on to the green and finished the hole. As I replaced the flag, I looked back to see my ball lying in a perfect spot out on the open fairway. In fact, the wheel marks in the morning dew showed that I had wheeled my cart right past it.

I thought of the "game of life" that I play in partnership with my loving Father. How often I have become preoccupied in areas where He has not called me, going blindly ahead without waiting for His direction. Then, after sorting out the self-inflicted muddle, He has been gracious enough to reward me anyway!

Prayer: Dear heavenly Father, we thank You that You are directing each one of us through our day today, that You are with us and on call as our Counsellor during each of the 24 hours. Help us to see with Your eyes the needs that are around us. May we respond with the love of Jesus as we are filled and empowered by Your Holy Spirit, and may this be for Your glory. Amen.

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About the author:

Liz Birnie <lizbirnie21@gmail.com>
West Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

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