Matthew 6:8 – Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him. (KJV)
1 Thessalonians 5:18 – In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. (KJV)
The summer had been a busy one, family matters required our presence away from home more than at it, and so, in those times when we were home, it was a scramble to get things done — things like doctors' appointments.
I'd contracted a virus and had had a horrible reaction to medicine prescribed while away, so was anxious to have it tended to when we were able to be home for a few days. Getting an appointment was paramount, but I'd also missed my prayer group and would only be home to attend one meeting before we were to leave again.
The only appointment open was for 15 minutes before our noon prayer group would start, and, at that, was a good 20 minutes' drive away. Although I felt a need to attend the prayer group, I also needed to see the doctor. There was no way I could do both and was very thankful for even being able to get an appointment. I called to give my regrets to the group.
And then a funny thing happened. Upon hanging up the phone, there was a message to call the doctor back, asking if I could possibly come in earlier. It seems several people had cancelled their appointments and if I could come in 40 minutes earlier, the doctor would be able to get away for an early lunch.
Both were things I needed to do and I believe God knew it. When we are thankful for what we are given, we often receive more. I know I surely did that day. In these days when doctors' appointments are at a premium, I wonder: Who changed the appointment?
Prayer: God, our Father, may we be ever mindful to be thankful for all that we receive and know that we need not ask, for you alone know our every need. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.
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