1 John 3:19-20 – This then is how we know that we belong to the truth, and how we set our hearts at rest in his presence whenever our hearts condemn us. For God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything. (NIV)
I had written a note on a Post-it paper. These are the pads with peelable glue on one end. The sheets can be peeled off and affixed to anything.
My husband told me the story about someone's mistake that led to the Post-it pads. Apparently a batch of glue was made up but through an error the glue didn't adhere to the paper the way it should have.
Here is an example of one following up on a mistake, to produce a product that many of us use every day. The Post-it pads we use to write notes peel and stick to most anything.
The note I wrote on the pad read, "Take time to hear, to feel, to see, in all things, His presence. Then turn around after receiving and give to others who may be discouraged along the way." What a wonderful thing for us to be able to do.
What a gift to give to others! Once we have learned to listen, to hear and to feel the word of God and His presence — when we receive this gift — we will be able to pass it on to those who may be discouraged along the way.
Let peel off this message and try to stick it on something. Perhaps we could first place it in our hearts!
Prayer: Dear Lord, help us to be able to hear, to feel and to see, in all things Your presence. Help us to pass it on to others. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.
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