Numbers 21:4b – And the soul of the people was much discouraged because of the way. (KJV)

We had been away and were to be home for a very short time before leaving again. Our house insurance was to expire while we were away, so it was imperative that it be renewed before leaving again.

Off and on, I tried calling the insurance company, only to receive instructions in the now commonplace practice of round-robin automatic number pressing. If you would like this person, press this number; however, if you would like another person, press another number. If, however, no one is available, stay on the line and listen to the lovely music until such time as someone is available to speak with you. Only no-one ever seems to be able to.

I was getting rather irritated. I began to convince myself that a change of companies was probably in order. What kind of operation could they be running anyway? If they couldn't answer their phones, they sure needn't have my business!

Then I realized the arrogance of my stance. It is summer. Most places are short-staffed. Who in the world did I think I was, that anyone would be waiting for my business? Who would want it from someone with so little patience and understanding? And then I was embarrassed.

What if God were impatient when trying to reach us? What if, having tried to get through to us and failed, He just cut us right off and moved to the next person? What if He had no patience or understanding when we choose not to hear Him calling?

Aren't we blessed to be assured of His patience?

Prayer: Our Father in heaven, we thank you for your patience and your understanding. Help us learn the same. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

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About the author:

Mary Daniel <>
Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada

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