Deuteronomy 6:6-7 – These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. (NIV)
Lately, I have noticed something that I have been doing that I do not like all that much. I have been placing my son second to my own agenda. With the nice weather in Alaska, we try to get out as much as possible while we can. This is a time to try to get those outside projects completed, but it is also a time for children to get outside and just play.
My son has come to me and asks, "Daddy, will you play with me?" Lately I have been telling him, "In a sec." I have been saying this so much to him lately that he now answers the question when he asks it, before I do. This is when I realised that I have not been spending the time with him that I should, and that I need to work on this area.
Playing with my son is not the only area where I have said, "In a sec." I have not spent time with God. I have put worldly things before him, thinking they were more important.
It is easy to get into this routine of telling God to "wait a sec", and saying, "I will do that later." As I look at the scripture for today, I see that we should be making our faith an integral part of our daily life. It is our daily life that teaches us about God. Through our experiences, we see how God works within us and through us. Our daily life should be one with our spiritual life. We should not say, "In a sec, God," but rather, "God, I give my life to you completely each and every day."
Prayer: Heavenly Father, sometimes it is easy to get caught up in our daily lives and what is going on in them, and to put earthly things before you. We pray that our daily life and our spiritual life will be one. Help us not to put you on the back burner, but instead help us to burn brightly with the Holy Spirit in our lives. In Jesus' name. Amen.
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