Weapons Training

Tuesday, July 11, 2000

1 Corinthians 12:14 – Now the body is not made up of one part but of many. (NIV)

In the style of karate I was taking, one was able to learn weapons training — but only after one reached the rank of Green Belt, which could take two to three years. The reason for this line of thinking was that one should have control of his own body before having a weapon put in his hands.

The weapon I studied was the bo, which is a wooden staff. Once I picked up that piece of wood it became a part of my body. I had to control that object just as any other part of my body. If I did not control the weapon as a part of my body, someone or myself could get hurt.

As Christians we belong to the body of Christ. Although we are many different individuals, we make up the one body of Christ. Since we are a part of the body of Christ, we follow the will of the body. We may be used in different capacities, but we are still used for the same will. So while some may preach, others may be used to teach, and others to encourage. We must remember that no part is more important than another. If we try to do our own thing, we can harm others and ourselves in the body; but by listening to God and following his will, we can do his good works and glorify him.

Prayer: Lord and God, you through your great mercy and grace save us and make us a part of the body of Christ. May we listen to your will, and be useful parts to do your works, which will glorify you. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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About the author:

Michael Steckel
Fairbanks, Alaska, USA

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