Praise Changes Things!

Thursday, June 29, 2000

Psalm 92:1-2 – It is good to praise the Lord and to make music to your name, O most High, to proclaim your love in the morning and your faithfulness at night. (NIV)

It had been a miserable day! Now, as darkness fell on the rain-soaked speedway I was travelling, my mood grew blacker than the night sky. I had just dropped off a young man whom I had hoped would let Jesus in to change a life that was fast falling into the gutter, but he had rejected Jesus — and my attempts to help him.

Into my self pity, someone, maybe the Holy Spirit, dropped the thought, "A Christian shouldn't be so miserable. You should be praising God at all times." Feeling like a complete idiot and hypocrite, I began singing a praise song — although my heart wasn't in it. That's when I saw a car stopped on the side of the road, with a woman standing in the rain beside it. I pulled over, walked back and offered help. She was out of gas, so I offered to drive her to the nearest exit, hoping to find a service station. We found one with no trouble, and I left the woman in good hands and full of thanks.

Since I had left the freeway, I decided to take a different road home. After a few blocks along the new route, I passed an apartment complex where our church had held Bible studies earlier, and immediately my mind was filled with joy as I thought of the young people who had come to the Lord through them. Now, my heart filled with praise.

I had started to praise Him because I felt it was a duty; now my joy was so great I couldn't stop. How a song of praise can change things, even when one doesn't feel like singing it!

Prayer: Dear Jesus, you have done so much for us; forgive us when we forget and cease to thank you. Truly you deserve to occupy the praises of your people. Let your praise be continually on our lips. Amen.

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About the author:

Harold Moddle

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