Isaiah 41:10 – So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. (NIV)
My family and I enjoy taking a walk after we have finished eating. Lately, as we have walked around the neighbourhood, there have been a lot of dogs running loose. This worries me, because my son is afraid of dogs and also because some of the dogs have been aggressive.
As we were walking down one of the streets, my wife saw a large German Shepherd running from its yard. She told me that it was loose, but I did not see it at first and a car was blocking my view. Then I caught sight of the dog as it was running towards us from around the car. My wife picked up my son and all I could do was place myself between my family and the dog. I have to tell you I was a little afraid because the dog was big. The dog ran right up to me and barked, and I just stood there and told the dog firmly to go. Fortunately, the dog turned around and went back to its yard.
While I was scared, I knew I had to try to protect my family from danger as best I could. I had hoped that, as they saw me stand there against the dog, their fear would subside. I came to think that while I try to protect my family, how much more does our Heavenly Father protect us. I should not fear, because He is with me. Now this does not mean that nothing will ever happen to me, but it does mean that in God I have eternal life and that can never be taken. He will not forsake me. He will strengthen me when I face trials and He will help me.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, sometimes it is hard to face trials in our lives, but we give praise that you are with us. You have not abandoned us but instead you strengthen us to get through our trials. When you are with us there is nothing we cannot overcome. Our joy is in you who gives eternal life to us. In Jesus' name. Amen.
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