Matthew 28:20 – And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. (NIV)
I speak to all those saints out there who are going through a spiritual dry patch:
"I am with you."
The word "I", in this case, refers to me, not Jesus. I am in a emotional dead zone. For years I have read the accounts of Christians who, after much revelation and joy in Christ, hit the doldrums. They describe wading through a slough of despond, a mire of apathy, where they call out to the Lord and receive no answer. This sorry predicament reminds me of John Bunyan's book Pilgrim's Progress, a very "Olde English" book. I sat down one day to read it, and oh! how tedious it was to plow through the antiquated prose. But there was something great in it, because days, months, even years afterwards the pilgrim's travels and predicaments come to mind — encouraging, familiar and real.
So what can one do at a time like this?
- Pray, even if you seem not to be answered — your reward will be great for all your continued efforts.
- Stay the course; stick with what is good and true.
- Fight on against sin; don't falter. If you fall, pick yourself up and carry on; don't dwell in your failure.
- Seek out other believers, and draw on their support.
- Count your blessings, and thank the Lord for all the little wonders of life.
- Continue to help others. That help will be returned many times over.
- Read the Bible, or a Christian book. Let others ease your journey with stories of hope and understanding.
Our trials won't last forever. Jesus is with us, whether we recognize His gentle touch or not. Because of His help, our troubles will never be more than we can bear. Even when it all seems hopeless, pointless, let us still put our faith in the one who saved us. We must not give up, or give ourselves over to anything, or anyone, but the Lord. And soon, almost before we know it, the dry patch will be crossed, and we will drink once more from the waters of life.
John 4:14 – Whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life. (NIV)
Prayer: Dear Lord, strengthen our resolve to follow in your pathways, even when our feelings do not coincide with what we know to be true. Keep us secure in the knowledge that you are always close by. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.
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