Using The Net

Wednesday, March 29, 2000

John 20:20-22 – The disciples were overjoyed when they saw the Lord. Again Jesus said, "Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you." And with that he breathed on them and said, "Receive the Holy Spirit." (NIV)

Last year my wife and I purchased a computer from a young neighbour who built it himself. Adam helped us use the computer by giving orientation (several times). Recently we made a contract with a local Internet provider. Adam helped us install the Internet programme, too. The programme did not come with directions beyond a card guiding the first few minutes of installation. My wife and I were experiencing frustration, confusion and concerns each time we tried to access the Internet. We did not have written directions and we missed very much a manual of operations. We really needed Adam again. We called him and he came.

When we invite Christ into our lives, he comes like Adam. He comes with information, skills and talents, so that God's programme can be installed in our lives. He comes into our lives with the gift of assurance that we can be disciples, useful every hour in communicating some value or truth in response to his will and another's need. Jesus anticipated that his disciples would need help, because from the beginning he sends the Spirit of God to heal, teach, empower, guide and assure.

Daily, the living Word, Jesus, connects us with the whole love of God.

Prayer: Dear Friend, thank you for coming again and again, and opening yourself to us. We need confidence about how we can serve you today and we need knowledge about how to stand together when we are in the field of battle. We ask that you help all of us receive what we need and that we may share what we receive. May the fruit of your Spirit ripen in our lives and be accessible to those who daily meet us in the neighbourhoods of life. Thank you for sharing with us. Amen.

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About the author:

Robert Holler
Bushnell, Illinois, USA

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