I Am A Big Boy, Daddy

Tuesday, March 14, 2000

1 Peter 2:2 – Like new-born babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation. (NIV)

My son is four years old now. He is starting to get to the age where he wants to do everything on his own, and he is realizing that he is no longer a little baby. I always find it funny when I say, "How is my little guy doing today?" and he responds right away, "I am a big boy, daddy, not a little boy." He knows he is growing and he does not want to be associated with "little" because for him this means "baby". Instead he wants to be called "big" because this means growth. He is always telling me, "I want to be big like you, daddy." I tell him that he will some day, but first he must grow some more.

I find it interesting that some people seem to want to remain infants in their faith. They view salvation as the goal, instead of the beginning. Peter tells us that we should crave pure spiritual milk so that by it we may grow up in our salvation. We are not to remain like new-borns but we are to grow in our faith. We should hunger after the nourishment that we receive from Christ. As we grow, our appetite for that nourishment should increase so that our faith grows and matures. We are not to sit by and be little Christians but instead we are to grow on what we are given.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, may we always desire your word so that it may feed us and help us to grow and mature. May people see our desire for you, that it may glorify you and praise you. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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About the author:

Michael Steckel
Fairbanks, Alaska, USA

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