Life's Little Challenges

Thursday, March 9, 2000

Psalm 68:19 – Praise be to the Lord, to God our Saviour, who daily bears our burdens. (NIV)

The challenges that we face today are either ones brought on by ourselves or presented by God.

The challenges that we bring upon ourselves we have chosen. One I am thinking about arises when we enter into a competition of some sort. This is our choice. Some people thrive on being challenged, while others don't want to have anything to do with it at all.

Personally, I have entered into sports events and been a bundle of nerves, but it always brings the best out in me. The best in me comes out when I am challenged, or, should I say, when I choose to be challenged. I seem to try harder. This works for me. Now my husband, on the other hand, who is not afraid to walk into a crowded room of strangers and make himself known to everyone, is a nervous wreck if he enters into a sports competition; he can't do anything. For my part, I am not too comfortable in that crowded room.

I have given these two examples to show how different people operate under different kinds of challenges.

The challenges that the Lord gives us can be very stressful to some, and to others are just another challenge. We try to meet these challenges with faith and obedience, asking God's guidance, praying for strength and peace so that we can carry through, knowing that our Father in heaven will not give us more than we can bear.

There is a difference between the two kinds of challenges: one, we put on ourselves; the other, God puts upon us.

The one we put upon ourselves either works to our advantage or it doesn't. But we put it there. On the other hand, we know through faith that God will see us through the challenge He sets before us, and He will never give us burdens that we can not bear. It will profit us to know this concerning every challenge God gives to us: if only we will trust, He will see us through — no matter how great a strain it may seem at the time.

Prayer: God, give us the strength to carry on when the challenges of life seem too much for us. Help us to remember that you will see us through. Amen.

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About the author:

Anne Russell <>
Brampton, Ontario, Canada

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