Luke 17:17-18 – Jesus asked, "Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine? Was no one found to return and give praise to God except this foreigner?" (NIV)
Earlier last year, my brother was lying in a coma and his brain activity had almost ceased. I thought that this was it for him. I was making arrangements to fly home so I could be there when he passed on. It was the first time I was in danger of losing a close family member and it affected me greatly. I was saddened to think that I might lose my brother. I had a hard time finding something good about the situation. But then I remembered that God had given my brother to me for these 35 years. So in that I could find praise to give God in a situation which was not at all a happy one.
Sometimes it is hard to give God praise when things are not going so well for us. As I mature in my faith, I find that I should give thanks to God in the good times and the bad. I am reminded of Jesus healing the ten men with leprosy, as we are told in today's scripture.
Ten were healed, and yet only one man came back and praised God for what had been done. Now God does not demand that we thank him but he is pleased when we do. Through our thankfulness he teaches us more about himself. When we learn more about God, our relationship with him grows.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, we pray with a thankful heart for all the things you have done for us. You alone are the one who deserves thanks and praise. May our lives reflect our thanks to you, and may others see your glory through us. In Jesus' name. Amen.
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