Why Me Of All People?

Thursday, February 24, 2000

Exodus 3:11 – But Moses said to God, "Who am I, that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?" (NIV)

Recently, I talked to a lady from China via the Internet. As we chatted, the topic of religion came up. She told me that she went to church, but that she could not believe in Jesus. I asked why, and she told me it was because she did not feel worthy enough to be loved by God.

As I heard this, I thought of my own life. There have been times when I felt I was not worthy enough for God — that I did not deserve his love because of the things I have done and the shame I have felt. I have felt just as Moses did when he was given his mission: "Who am I?" For Moses this was a tough question, because he was murderer who fled to avoid responsibility, and then God spoke to him and told him to go back. Sometimes it is so easy to feel that we are not worthy, but I remember what God said in response to Moses in Exodus 3:12: "I will be with you." This is the good news. God loves us no matter what, and he will be with us even when we feel like he should not be.

Prayer: Lord, there are times when we may not feel worthy enough for you, but it is not our worth which matters, but instead your great love for us. May we never forget what you have done for us. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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About the author:

Michael Steckel
Fairbanks, Alaska, USA

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