John 3:36 – Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life. (GNB)
As I write, the new fall television schedule is just underway. People are talking about a new television show called Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? Our family has enjoyed the programme for about one week.
The concept behind the television show is that one or two contestants have the opportunity to win a million dollars by answering several multiple-choice questions. Contestants are given 3 "lifelines": ask the audience, call anyone anywhere in North America, and 50-50. Once the three "lifelines" are used up the person must answer the question without help. He or she is on his or her own.
It has occurred to me how much better the Christian life is than the life of a millionaire offered by the television programme. In Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?, once one's "lifelines" are used, the contestant cannot use them a second time. He or she is now alone.
As Christians we have the privilege of an eternal "lifeline" in the person of Jesus Christ. He will never be used up! He will never leave us alone! He will lead us to something far more valuable and much more precious than a million dollars! We can have eternal life.
Unfortunately many people can answer "I do!" to the question, "Who wants to be a millionaire?", but they are unable to answer "I do!" to the question, "Who wants to receive eternal life?"
The contestants willingly use up their "lifelines" to gain their prize. We have a "lifeline" to the ultimate prize, eternal life. We only need to ask.
Prayer: Lord God, thank you for sending Jesus, our "lifeline" to eternal life. We thank you that we are not alone, and that Jesus is always with us. Amen.
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