The Tuning Eye

Tuesday, November 23, 1999

Matthew 14:28-30 – And Peter answered him and said, "Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee on the water." And he said, "Come." And when Peter was come down out of the ship, he walked on the water, to go to Jesus. But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, "Lord, save me." (KJV)

In my brother's home, down in the basement, there is an old radio, a Deforest Crossly. I can remember it in our home many years ago. I used to try to tune in the radio stations using the tuning eye, a round green light. As one turned the knob that operated the tuning eye, the lines narrowed in and the station became clearer. It always fascinated me to think that, as I turned the knob to its narrowest point, I received the radio station as clear as crystal.

As I reminisced, the tuning eye led me to think about how we can tune in on God, not by using a tuning eye, but by quieting our spirit in prayer. While we pray, there are many disruptions by things around us — things like phones ringing, the door bell chiming, even the Daily music playing (much as I like the music). Many of us are distracted by internal interruptions when we lose our focal point to thoughts of all sorts of competing subjects.

Today's text gives a prime example of our faith focusing in on God. Peter asked Jesus if he could walk to Him on the water and Jesus said, "Come." All was well until Peter stopped focusing on Christ and thought about the boisterous wind around him, and then he began to sink.

This is an example of the need for us to stay focused in on God and keep tuned into that narrowest point, just like using the tuning eye. How can we gain the control of our minds to focus in on God? It is not easy. Often it's a matter of arranging a time to get focused, making sure we will not be disturbed by things around us, so that we can be with God. We also need to work on having a more intimate, loving relationship with God. We must enter into His presence with humility, assurance and holiness. I have even resorted to writing down what my concerns are and starting my prayer time with a piece of scripture, to try to get into focus. We must keep trying to have that deep, inner, spiritual experience when our spiritual tuning eye gets to its narrowest point. Then we can hear more clearly, knowing our God is there for us.

Prayer: God, help us to tune in on you so that we may have a clearer vision of that intimacy with you. Help us to clear our minds of the things that clutter our thinking, so we may focus in on you alone and not be disturbed. Amen.

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About the author:

Anne Russell <>
Brampton, Ontario, Canada

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