Trophy Trees

Sunday, October 17, 1999

Psalm 92:13-14 – They are like trees planted in the house of the Lord, that flourish in the temple of our God, that still bear fruit in old age and are always green and strong. (GNB)

Recently I read an article from the July 24 edition of Saskatoon Star-Phoenix about "Trophy trees for those who just can't wait. They're full grown, they're huge, they give a prized, old-world look to your home and you don't have to wait around to watch them grow." AAA Highway 21 Tree Farm in Edmonton ships 18,000 trophy trees a year across Canada and down to California.

On occasion I have been tempted to want fully-grown shrubs and decent-sized trees in our yard, but I know it is far more satisfying to plant small trees, care for them, and watch as they grow into mature trees.

When I was a teenager, I was given a Good News Bible. I began to ask questions about the Christian faith. Our minister described our growth in faith by comparing the young Christian to a tiny tree. As a tree grows, it puts down roots. The root system supports the tree. Similarly, as we grow, we become rooted in faith.

Over the years there have been periods in which I have not grown and times when part of me has seemed dead. Suddenly, though, a life experience would trigger growth. My faith journey looks uneven — like growth rings on a tree.

Unlike trophy trees, Christians take time to grow and mature in faith. I believe that God planned our lives this way. If we were mature from the beginning, we might decide that we did not need God to care for us and help us to grow.

Prayer: Loving God, we thank you for making the trees and for creating us. Help us to grow up to be mature Christians, who rely on you for our nurture and care. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

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About the author:

Mary Jane Hanson <>
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

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