How Do You Measure Your Seasons?

Tuesday, September 21, 1999

Ecclesiastes 3:1-2 – There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under heaven: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot." (NIV)

In the spring of the year as we travel along a country road, the first thing I notice breaking the soil is the corn. It comes up and covers the fields with something that looks like grass. Spring turns to summer: the corn will have reached five or six feet in height and the silt will have broken open; the ears of corn will be forming. Towards the end of the month and on into September the corn will have matured and given up its crop.

I measure the seasons by watching the corn grow. The lush green of spring: a promise that life has returned. The tall stalks of corn in summer: a promise of the maturity of a producing crop. Autumn gives back the seed: a promise of future growth. The fourth season, winter, is a time of rest; a promise of renewal. The snow will come and cover the land, providing a covering to protect the field, till spring comes back again. Then the cycle will start over.

The observation of the cornfield lets me feel the regularity in which God measures our lives. He watches us through the four seasons. He measures out these seasons for us, so that we may have new life, growth, harvest and at the last rest. He gives each of us a measure of seasons in which to make use of His will for us: to plant, to grow, to harvest, then to rest.

We have the opportunity to serve Him in all the seasons, spring, summer, fall and in the end winter. It is in winter that we shall receive the rewards of our other three seasons. We should try to make good use of the time allotted to us, in service to our fellow man and to our God. He created all these seasons for us and measured them out, so that we may enter His great rest — forever.

Mark 4:28 – For the earth bringeth forth fruit of herself; first the blade, then the ear, after that the full corn in the ear. (KJV)

Prayer: God, let us be aware of the corn and how it grows. May we compare it to the path of life that You have measured out for each one of us. Teach us to sow, and to grow, that we may spend eternity with You. Amen.

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About the author:

Anne Russell <>
Brampton, Ontario, Canada

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