A Clean Bathroom

Saturday, September 18, 1999

Mark 7:20 – And [Jesus] went on to say, "It is what comes out of a person that makes him unclean." (GNB)

Our mothers all give us advice when we are growing up. We do not always listen to these instructions, but some of them seem relevant to us. If this is the case, we decide to follow our mother's advice. If not, we ignore the advice.

I have a friend who has been married for several years. His mom was coming for a visit, so he was going home to clean the bathroom for her. His Mom had told him that he would never find a girlfriend who wanted to marry him if he did not have a clean bathroom. This advice stuck with him, and he keeps a spotless bathroom long after his girlfriend decided to marry him.

There is other information that parents can give to their sons and daughters. Details like spotless bathrooms and clean cars are not nearly as significant as living lives modelled after Jesus Christ. When giving instruction about choosing a mate to our children, we can concentrate on what the person is like on the inside rather than on the outside. Does the person you want to marry know Jesus Christ as his or her Lord and Saviour? Does he or she show any fruit of the Spirit? What is in the heart of another person is more important than his or her appearance. Spotless bathrooms could be put further down our list of concerns. When all is said and done, it is often possible to hire Molly Maid to do our cleaning.

Could the saying, "cleanliness is next to godliness," mean a heart cleansed from sin by the blood of Jesus Christ is a sign of God's presence in our lives? If we want our children to choose Christ as a role model, it follows that we will try to lead a Christ-like life. We will demonstrate the love of Christ to our children. We will raise our sons and daughters in a Christian home, as we have vowed to do when we have them baptized.

Prayer: Holy God, help us desire to live Christ-like lives so we can be role models for our children as they grow up. Give us wisdom to teach our children what is truly important in life by raising them in a Christian environment. Amen.

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About the author:

Mary Jane Hanson <mjh013@sasktel.net>
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

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