Psalm 91:1,4 – You who live in the shelter of the Most High, who abide in the shadow of the Almighty, he will cover you with his pinions, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness is a shield and buckler. (NRSV)
Living in Northern Ontario, I had occasion about a week ago, to travel even further north to a meeting. The day was warm, sometimes overcast, sometimes brilliantly sunny. Since I was not driving, I was in the passenger side of the car dozing fitfully. As we passed a wooded area, on the dead branch of a tree sat a magnificent bald eagle. One has only to see one of these wonderful birds to stare in awe and wonder at their majesty and power: the great eye that misses nothing, the white head and tail that gleam in the sunlight, the mighty wings that allow it to swoop and soar on the wind, and the great talons that lift considerable weight.
The scriptures, particularly the Psalms, refer often to the eagle. Both Psalm 90 and 91 can only refer to these powerful creatures. In these Psalms God is likened unto the great eagle. The author of these writings sees and understands the love and protection, the might and power of God for all of His creation, and the likeness is very real when one actually sees the bird. We spent the balance of our trip discussing how God lifts us up on eagles' wings: how he protects and loves us as the eagle protects and loves its young; and how we can, as we are told by the prophet Isaiah, soar on eagles' wings. We can "run and not grow weary", we can "walk and not faint." (Isaiah 40:31)
As we go about our daily tasks, wherever we are in the world, let us look around and see the glory of our loving God reflected in all that He has created.
Prayer: God of power and might, you reveal yourself to us in your creation. We thank you that we have eyes to see and ears to hear the wonders of our world, and through them to see the hand that made them. Thank you, Lord. Amen.
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