Designated Hitter

Saturday, August 28, 1999

1 John 2:2 – He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world. (NIV)

I remember as a young child asking my dad why there were designated hitters in the game of baseball. Why was it that normally pitchers do not bat, but must have a designated hitter to take their place in the line-up? Well, I came to find out that pitchers are not usually very good batters. I had wondered why this was. Since they were pitchers, I thought they would know what was being pitched to them better then anyone else on the team. But this is not the case. To be a good batter one must have good reactions and good eyes. If one can see the ball approaching, one has a better chance of hitting it. Not that pitchers have bad eyes or bad reactions, but normally they do not have what it takes for batting. On the other hand, they have the right make-up to accomplish the pitching, which many others who play the game cannot do.

As Christians, we too needed a designated hitter to step into the batter's box for us and hit the ball. That ball is our salvation. We would never be able to hit it, no matter how hard we would try. We would strike out and never be able to round the bases to home. So we need a Christ to step in and hit for us. Hit he did. Now because of his work we can round the bases and head on home to the Father. Christ was our atoning sacrifice, and because of that we can have an eternal relationship with God. So we do not say, "Put me in, Coach," but instead, "Jesus has hit for me and he allows me to run around the bases."

Prayer: Heavenly Father, we are so helpless when it comes to our salvation. You knew this, and because of your love for us, you secured our salvation through Christ and the work he did on the cross. Because of that work we can come home to you and be there for all eternity. We thank you in Christ's name. Amen.

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About the author:

Michael Steckel
Fairbanks, Alaska, USA

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