2 Timothy 1:5 – I have been reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also. (NIV)
For over four years, my granddaughter, Jessica, now age 8, has been living with me. This summer I have dismissed my pottery and painting classes to care for her and two other granddaughters near her age. It is to be a summer to be remembered! They have begun learning verses of scripture beginning with each letter of the alphabet. We will learn to can and dehydrate fruit and vegetables from the garden, sew using the sewing machine to make shorts and tops, even a quilt top and quilt it, and as always, paint and make pottery.
The day before yesterday they were given a dog. They were so proud of Honey Jean, a beautiful registered miniature Collie. After many hours of play, she slept with the girls. Yesterday morning I let her out. As she walked down the fence I called her name. She ignored me and continued until she found an open gate. Quickly, I got the girls in the truck and we hunted for Honey Jean for two hours, came back, made flyers and took them to all neighbours within half a mile of our country home. Then we drove another two hours, looking for her. She was gone.
This morning, the girls suggested that we have a special prayer for Honey Jean to come home, because, they said, "'I' is for 'If you ask anything in My name, I will do it.'" They crawled into my lap and with bowed heads began praying. Teeth had not been brushed, and their breath was so bad I raised my head above them! But it was at that moment they felt a necessity to pray for Honey Jean to return home. Each simple prayer ended in "In Jesus' name, we pray."
This afternoon, 18 hours after I had lost the dog by not having a leash on her, we were threading needles to try some embroidery, when we heard the answering machine come on: "Jessica, this is Pam. I think I have found your dog." All three girls ran down the road and jumped the fence to see if it was Honey Jean. I got there in the truck, just in time to see the three girls hovering over Honey Jean lapping a bowl of water. We all cried with happiness. In unison, they said: "If you ask anything in my name, I will do it." Then Jessica said: "Grandma, do you remember 'J'?" "Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today and forever."
From his mother and grandmother, Timothy learned to apply the word of God as a child and was commended for his faith because of their teaching. My girls learned and applied what they had learned in this very simple situation. God granted their desire. Their faith in God is growing by leaps and bounds. What tremendous value there is in hiding His word in our hearts to be used when needed, beginning as a child! When we have God's word hidden in our hearts, God uses it to solve life's problems. Such experiences are not easy, pleasant or desirable. But what a marvellous God we serve, who begins to build faith through such problems, as we remember His promises.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, we thank You for Your protection and love for us, Your children. Guide us in Your will through Your Word. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.
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