Antennas For Our Ears

Friday, July 23, 1999

1 Kings 19:12 – After the earthquake, came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire came a still, small voice.

Each Palm Sunday, at my church we do something a bit different. We're about a block from the lakefront in Toronto, so instead of sitting in our pews, most of the congregation marches down to the lakefront beach, singing and waving palm branches in hand. We sing again at the beach, and then march back up another street, back to the church, singing all the while.

This year, as I was waiting to file out, palm leaf in hand, I turned to my friend Chuck Phillips who was behind me. "Every year, this palm leaf makes me think I've got an antenna," was my comment. "All the better to help you hear the Holy Spirit," he replied.

I like that. Charles, I think you're on to something!

In this day and age, we may need a set of antennae, to hear the Holy Spirit better. The "still, small voice" that the prophet Elijah speaks of would be drowned out by a modern city's incessant racket.

The Lord has been showing me in my life in the past week that if I neglect to pray and listen for God's Word, I'll set myself up for a crop full of frustration, and non-accomplishment. When I do take the time to listen for that "still, small voice", I know I'll be on the right track. So, in this season of Pentecost, when many people try and relax and enjoy the summer, you might want to try to install your own set of spiritual antennae.

It isn't only the physical noise of the world that we have to worry about. In this hurry-hurry world of ours, it seems we're fighting deadlines from the moment we get out of bed in the morning, until we fall asleep, exhausted, at night. There seems to be so much to do, we want to do good things, and we want to do the right thing, but how? The things we want to do seem to get crowded out of our lives by the things we need to get done.

Jesus took the time to listen to the voice of the Creator. Luke 6:12 records that Jesus "spent the night praying to God". Jesus had a unique relationship with God, closer than anyone who ever walked the earth, but Jesus spent hours of human time in prayer.We know how to turn a radio antenna until it points in the right direction for the clearest sound. We need to use our spiritual antennae, and the Holy Spirit can give us a clear message of God's hope and help for our life, today.

Prayer: Lord, we're going deaf from the noise. Please give us a quiet hearts, minds and souls. Let us shut our ears to the modern racket, so we can hear You. Having heard that Word, give us the courage to act on it. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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About the author:

Bruce M. Dinsmore <>
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

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