Psalm 46:10 – Be still, and know that I am God. (NIV)
What a powerful, yet calming, piece of scripture! Today I felt that I had been taking too much time at the computer, so I got myself out of the house early this morning, and went down to the green and had a game of bowls. Our team lost, but we made the other team's day. Losing always teaches me humility. It is not humility that I especially wanted to talk about, but it did creep in. I really wanted a day just to get some exercise and relax in the sunshine — a time to be still; a day to come home in the afternoon and catch up on some scripture reading — a time alone with God.
Here I sit at this computer again. That piece of scripture has been in my mind off and on for a few days. "Be still, and know that I am God." The "be still" part sounded good. I took it as just a time to be quiet. Then I read the whole of Psalm 46. There is another very powerful message: not only am I to be calm, I am also to know that "God is in control." He is almighty, the controller of every situation. Though my message for the Daily was to seek a quiet time, my quiet time humbled me in knowing how great God is and how small a creature I am. I did have my quiet time, my time alone with God — even though it was at the computer.
Prayer: Thank you, Lord, for the time spent with you alone. May we always be open to hear your word. For You are the One, the Almighty. Teach us to be still and know that you are our God. Amen.
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