Isaiah 43:1 – Israel, the Lord who created you says, Do not be afraid — I will save you. I have called you by name — you are mine. (GNB)
Today, many children will be remembering their fathers in a special way, for in many countries, it is Father's Day. My husband and I celebrate Father's Day in our home for our children's sake. Neither of us has a father who is living. Our children can thank their dad for being a good father to them.
What about families that do not have model fathers, but rather have lost a father to alcoholism, drug abuse, or other addictions? The children have difficulty experiencing a father's love in these situations. It is almost impossible to make up for lost childhood days, lack of self-worth, absence of security while growing up. Many adult children are left with issues to deal with. Recovery takes time, effort and God's healing love.
When we grow up with a poor role model, we have difficulty grasping the concept of a loving heavenly Father. We doubt that we are loved.
Brennan Manning writes: "It is God who has called us by name. The God beside whose beauty the Grand Canyon is only a shadow has called us beloved. The God beside whose power the nuclear bomb is nothing has tender feelings for us." (Abba's Child)
When we come face to face with the loving Father who sent his only Son to die for us, and when we receive the gift of the Son, we are set free. It gives us cause to rejoice and hope.
Prayer: Loving Father, help us to know with certainty that you love us deeply and tenderly, today and every day. Amen.
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