Playing Guitar

Friday, June 11, 1999

1 Corinthians 12:4-6 – There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working but the same God works all of them in all men.

One of my hobbies includes playing guitar. I am no great player; I just mess around with it. One thing I have noticed through the years of playing is that every player has his or her own style. I can give my guitar to a friend to play and the sounds generated from the instrument are so different from the ones I generate. It is the same instrument but not the same style. I enjoy playing the blues, while one of my friends enjoys playing folk. What is great is that we are able to express this joy through the same instrument. I have also found that if we play the same song it is still different because one may bend a string a little more then the other. My friend plays a little more smoothly while I play a little more choppily. Through the single instrument we express our feelings.

I have also noticed this within the Christian community. As it says in 1 Corinthians chapter 12, we have different gifts but it is the same God. So through our gifts we may express God's work differently. Not all are called to be pastors. Because one is not called to be a pastor does not mean one cannot minister. We are all joined into the family of God but we have been given different gifts so that we may touch different people. It took me a while to realize this because I had the line of thought that one had to be a pastor to have any type of impact on people. But I have come to realize that in our own way, with gifts God has given us, we do have an impact on people.

Prayer: Lord, we give thanks for the gifts you have given us. We pray that we may use these gifts for your glory so that you may be praised and honoured. Amen.

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About the author:

Michael Steckel
Fairbanks, Alaska, USA

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