Mark 3:9-10 – The crowd was so large that Jesus told his disciples to get a boat ready for him, so that the people would not crush him. He had healed many people, and all the sick kept pushing their way to him in order to teach him." (GNB)
In my city, as in many other cities, people lined up in order to purchase tickets for the new movie Star Wars Episode I. People brought sleeping bags, and stayed overnight so that they could be first in line to purchase tickets to the first viewing of the movie. This scene is a common one today. People line up to acquire tickets to rock concerts, operas, and sporting events. People line up to be entertained for a few hours.
In Jesus' day, the crowds had heard of the man from Galilee. They wanted to see him and hear what he had to say. Unlike Star Wars there were no limits placed on the size of the audience. Jesus and his disciples had to get in a boat to avoid being crushed. Members of the crowd lined up to learn about the man who performed miracles and healed others. Could he be the Messiah?
While there may be value to the Star Wars buff in seeing the movie, I doubt that the effects will be life-changing. Many nine- and ten-year old children will hound parents to take them to this movie. They will join the crowd. Toys, T-shirts, hats, and other merchandise will generate millions of dollars of income for retailers. Sadly, the T-shirts will fade, the toys will be put away, and something else will take their place as the latest fad.
Jesus Christ is different. Remember that "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever" (Hebrews 13:8). Jesus Christ will never be replaced by another fad. Jesus Christ is the only way to the Father.
We need to seek Jesus Christ for he can bring life. If we spend our days chasing after the latest fads, we may acquire things, but we will lose sight of the gift of eternal life.
Prayer: Lord we want to see Jesus. Help us to seek Jesus with our whole hearts. Help us to desire Jesus as a life long companion. Amen.
Editor's Note: A comparison of the theology of Star Wars and Christianity, May The Force Be With You?, is posted on the Daily website.
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