Acts 2:1 – When the day of Pentecost came, all the believers were gathered in one place. (GNB)
Acts 2:4 – They were filled with the Holy Spirit. (GNB)
1 Corinthians 12:11 – But it is one and the same Spirit who does all this; he gives a different gift to each person. (GNB)
Michael W. Smith, Christian musician has written a song entitled "Move In Me". The words for the chorus are touching:
- Cause when you move in me
It's like a symphony, a timeless melody
That soothes my soul
Though silent, I can tell
That you're alive and well
Cause I can feel you move in me.
This song describes the wholeness and beauty that we experience when the Holy Spirit inhabits our being.
Joy for an expectant mother comes the first time her baby moves. In fact, this movement tells her that the child is alive. Wonderfully, God has created a precious infant inside the mother's womb. It is similar with the Holy Spirit. When the Spirit moves in us, we can tell that we are alive.
I notice movement when the Holy Spirit works in my life. I may be heading out into uncharted waters doing the unimaginable. Could I possibly be prompted to write devotionals for the Daily, to deal with areas of my life that God has brought to my attention, or to reach out to someone needing a friend?
Life is exciting and chock-full of possibilities when I let the Holy Spirit move in me. However, when I neglect to seek the Holy Spirit's presence, or ignore His prompting, I stand still. Life becomes dull and tiresome, and part of me dies. The choice is mine. The choice is ours. What will we decide, to seek life or to gradually die inside?
Prayer: God of Pentecost, we thank you for sending your Holy Spirit to move us in life-giving directions. Please fill us daily with your power. Help us to seek you in our lives. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.
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