Mark 1:15 – "The time has come," [Jesus] said, "The Kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the good news."
Most people are aware of the recommendation that the oil in our vehicles be changed every three months or three thousand miles, whichever comes first. The reason for this change of oil is that the oil breaks down, and that can lead to internal damage in the engine of your vehicle. Good things will not come from this! Once the engine stops working in a vehicle, it becomes no more then just a hunk of metal. One must get rid of the bad oil and change it for oil which can handle the job of lubricating.
When we hear the first words of Jesus from the gospel of Mark, we hear a message of change. Jesus tells us that the kingdom of God is near, so we should repent and believe. Through repentance we have a changing in us which leads to a life within Christ. We can either be vehicles in this world for God to accomplish his work or we can be empty vehicles with no purpose. It is important to remember that repentance is a change in our life do to a response to the love of God. If we truly experience God's love there will be a desire for a change in our lives.Prayer: Heavenly Father, we thank you for the great love you have shown us. Through our repentance, may your light shine through us so that others may see your love at work within us. In Jesus' name. Amen.
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