Psalm 119:105 – Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.
Proverbs 3:6 – In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. (KJV)
I am what might be called "directionally challenged". I get lost easily when driving in a new area. I know where I've come from, and I know where I want to be. I have a general sense of how to get there. So I set out; at first I know I'm going the right way. However, if the area between two points is unfamiliar and is not a straight line, it's almost inevitable that I will get turned around and end up in a labyrinth of streets where I never meant to be. It can be frightening! I'm never quite sure how I got there, and I'm hopeless at finding my way out without help. With a sigh of exasperation, I open my much-used map, all worn and torn along the folds. I'm often surprised at how far I have strayed, but soon the way becomes clear again. I find that for me, if I stop and look at the map every time I have to make a turn, I save time, and better yet, travel with confidence.
I hate it that I have a bad sense of direction. I want to be able to just be on my way and not bother with any grand design of streets and paths. But I know me. As much as I'd like to, I can't trust my own ability. That map becomes a vital tool, indispensable. I need it, even when I don't want to need it.
I think the Lord must have a sense of humour. He knows I can be headstrong and stubborn, so in His mercy, He designed me so that I lose my way easily, both physically and spiritually, when I'm depending on me. But when I frequently consult the "map," His word, I soon understand where I have gone wrong and know the right way to go. And even better, I have a navigator. The Lord not only gave me His "map," but He gives me His Spirit to dwell within me and point the way. And hopefully, I even let Him drive!
Prayer: Lord, thank you for loving even stubborn and wilful children. Thank you for your word, that we might know You and Your direction. Help us to love your word more and to surrender completely to your leadership. Amen.
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