John 21:11 – Simon Peter climbed aboard and dragged the net ashore. It was full of large fish, 153, but even with so many the net was not torn.
Come and sit with me. We are on the shore of the Sea of Galilee. It is early in the morning, the mist hangs low around the shore, it is damp, and as we inhale we can actually smell the fish odour lingering in the air.
As I sat l listened to a man of Galilee. He was born in Cana. He spoke to us from the gospel of Jesus Christ. As he spoke, he came to a place in the scripture which told of the 153 fish caught in the net, and the net did not break. I have thought of this passage before, and wondered what the significance of the exact number 153 was, and how it has been passed down through the ages and never lost.
"Why?" I questioned!
As this man converged on my very thought, he said that, in the letter/number significance of Hebrew, the "one" meant "I", the "five" meant "am", and the "three" meant "God". Jesus was saying, "I Am God." What an impact!
Some scholarly people might differ on this point, but he said it was his theory, and it made sense to me, for this man had spent a lifetime in the land of Jesus.
Take the full verse and think about it. Why did the net not break? I believe it's because the net I Am God will never break. It is power. The net was cast out so that man can be covered by this net, like an umbrella. It is our protection that will always be there for us to find and to encompass us.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, help us always to keep our mind open but guarded, so that we might not be deceived. Let not our hearts be hardened so that we might hear your still small voice. Thank you Lord. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.
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