Romans 1:20 – Ever since the creation of the world his eternal power and divine nature, invisible though they are, have been understood and seen through the things he has made. So they are without excuse. (NRSV)
The grand Newfoundland bay stretching over 50 kilometres in length and one time called Bay Despair, although named Bay d'Espoir (Bay of Hope), continues to inspire me.
I am amazed that the great drainage basin which guides raindrops can become a means to carry the message of hope through the world. How can a drop of water carry hope? Well let's follow that drop through the brooks into swifter streams until it reaches the great turbines that generate electricity before it rejoins the sea at Bay d'Espoir, the location of the largest generators on the island of Newfoundland. It is this electricity which sends Internet material from Newfoundland to me, as I seek it.
That's a bit like prayer, perhaps, although we dare not suggest that a mechanical model of any kind could be a fair comparison to the awesome power we know in God. Yet because of the nature of God, it is often the many expressions of that power in nature that are for us, as they were for Paul, a window into the invisible.
Paul's letter, which now can come to us in fourteen wonderful translations through an Internet search engine, using the combined efforts of single raindrops, speaks powerfully today of the force invisible, yet seen through all creation.
Yes, a single raindrop that turns a turbine in a new found land can bring us a new understanding of hope and help us learn that we are never alone today — or ever.
Prayer: Lord, we give thanks for the power, hope and wonder we discover when we let our souls drink in the richness and grandeur of this amazing universe. You create a universe of possibilities within a single raindrop, and through discovering your renewing power, we become capable of so much more than we ever thought possible. Help us to be good stewards of this precious planet. Amen.
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