What A Change

Friday, March 19, 1999

Ephesians 5:19-20 – Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. (NIV)

A week ago we said goodbye to Florida's temperatures of seventy-eight degrees, to come back to Ontario. We travelled through rather bleak scenery, as spring has not yet brought bloom to the trees. The roads were dry, no rain or snow. The big change came when we arrived home, or so I thought. Snow and wind moved in on us for two days. When the storm stopped, the sun came out, the sky was blue and the snow looked almost acceptable. I thought the biggest change was the temperature. We found it very cold.

Then Sunday came. We proceeded to struggle with boots, coats and mitts, the things we had not needed in our Florida climate. Even the car seemed reluctant to start. Finally we got going and drove twenty minutes to our home church. When we entered the church, I thought to myself, "There was a change in the weather but what a change here!". I felt the warmth of seeing our friends we had not seen for several months, some who had lost loved ones, others who had suffered physical pain and disabilities. There were the things we as a church family could share and pray about together. There was a feeling of warmth that one can only know through the love of God and the understanding of loving one another as Christ commanded us to do. I know I have used the word warmth several times but that is the only way that I can describe it.

As we celebrated Holy Communion, I felt the closeness of God's presence. "Oh what a feeling," to be in fellowship with Him and with those present to celebrate this sacrament of God's unfailing love for us.

Prayer: Heavenly Father we give you thanks for the life we have in You. We pray for all those who do not know You. May those chosen by You be drawn to Your loving Spirit, that they may know what a change that only You can bring into their lives. In Jesus' precious name we pray. Amen.

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About the author:

Anne Russell <annerussell80@gmail.com>
Brampton, Ontario, Canada

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