Follow Your Dog's Lead

Friday, March 5, 1999

Psalm 16:11 – Thou wilt show me the path of life: in thy presence is fullness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore. (KJV)

My dog and I walk the same route every day, and yet, to watch her, you would think it to be completely new territory for her, and maybe it is. She steps out into the clear, fresh air, looks eagerly around as if it's a whole new world, and maybe it is. She gingerly bounds up to the same old spot she hit yesterday, the same old post, the same old rock, as if she'd never been to them before, or maybe to see what's new with them or to confirm that they're the same. Perhaps she has something to teach us.

A little over a year ago, the Editor of Daily suggested that I write about how I saw the Lord's presence in my everyday life.

The walk with my dog is a good example. When we step out in the seemingly same morning air each day, it may start out with a lightness to it, then further along we may pick up the smell of wood burning in a fireplace and furling out a chimney; the pungent smell of the pulp mill, or get a whiff of wisteria. As we walk along the same piece of ground, we may find a feather here, a bottle cap there, or see a slug slithering along its route. We may come upon the same people at the same time of day, or meet new ones. The trees and flowers are in constant change. Dew may hang glistening from the branches of a bare tree. Chalk art may decorate a driveway, or a cat may creep across our path. Birds belt out their songs.

This is only but a tiny part of my life's path, and no matter what the night before brought, or the day ahead will bring, it is each day's beginning of showing me His presence in my everyday life.

Prayer: We thank you Lord, for the people, the creatures of the air, the animals of the earth and the beauty of nature which show us so readily the fullness of joy in Your presence. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

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About the author:

Mary Daniel <>
Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada

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