John 4:7 – Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God and knoweth God. (KJV)
I sat back and observed with pride as my daughter and her grandfather stood side by side sharing the stove. She, a 27 year old strict vegetarian; he, a 92 year old "meat and potatoes" man. She won't eat anything that has come in contact with anything animal-connected. He wouldn't touch tofu with a ten-foot pole. Yet they were cooking together with respect for each other and each other's tastes and beliefs.
It could just as easily have been another way. He could have been unreasonable, demanding that she and I share his food. After all, he's a Slovak, has lived through two world wars and knows what it's like to go without. To be choosy, especially about food, could be seen to be spoiled, unappreciative. She could have been belligerent, or berated him for the food he eats, questioning how one could choose to eat meat, knowing how it is raised today. Instead, they are totally accepting of each other, even to the point of joking about what each other is eating. They love each other and accept their differences.
Yes, they are related, but they are also accepting of the beliefs and customs of others. That is what God intended. He made us all unique individuals. He created us with different customs, languages, beliefs, looks, abilities, disabilities, tastes, wants, needs and desires.
He also created us with the ability to be loving and accepting of each other.
Let us make a conscious effort each day to do a little "intergenerational cooking" ourselves. Let's try when we are working side by side, to have respect for each other, and each other's beliefs and differences.
Prayer: Our Heavenly Father, help us to approach each day from a place of love and understanding of our fellow man. May we strive to be more accepting and less critical of our differences, no matter what they may be. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.
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